Monday, February 18, 2008


Berfore I post, I'd like to preface, that I am not posting lyrics again, but I really did love this song. Maybe you'll understand why! (pun)

So I found a song by Nichole Nordeman called "Why" and it was really slow so I almost didn't give it a chance. After listening to the whole 6 minute story, I was really forced to think and ponder the words. The song talks about a little girl riding with her dad on the day of Passover through Jerusalem, as she nears the down she sees a crowd rushing and shouting. She asks her father,

"Daddy why are they screaming,
why are the faces of some of them beaming,
why is he dressed in that bright purple robe,
I bet that crown hurts him more then he shows.
Daddy please can't you do something, he looks as if he's gunna cry.
You said he was stronger than all of those guys.
Daddy please tell me why,
why does everyone want Him to die.

She then tells how her dad sent her into the house because a storm was coming, but this girl wasn't scared so she followed the crowds to a place where she knew people had been killed and she heard a voice come from the cross:

"Father why are they screaming,
Why are the faces of some of them beaming,
Why are they casting their lots for my clothes,
this crown of thorns hurts me more than it shows.
Father, please can't you do something, I know that you must hear my cry,
I thought I could handle a cross of this size,
Father REMIND me why,
why does everyone want me to die...

My precious Son, I hear them screaming,
I'm watching the face of the enemy beaming
Soon I will clothe you in robes of my own,
Jesus this hurts me much more than you know
But this dark hour I must do nothing, though I've heard Your unbearable cry.
The power in your blood destroys all the lies,
soon you will understand why.....

See that girl there trembling by her father's side,
She is why you had to die!

I am why HE had to die.

As I listened to this song, I truly began to imagine the cross as more than just a story out of a book. I know that may seem stupid seeing as how I am going on 18 years old, saw the passion, have grown up in church, and A SONG put it into visual for me.
But it was the first time that I realized how much Jesus cared. True I know He didn't question the cross or "why" he was doing it. But He went through all that pain for me. for you. and to see it in the words of this song, as a little girl asking her daddy why, just amazed me. For Jesus to cry almost the same words to the Father, just put into picture how much like you and me he truly was, he felt pain, he felt loneliness, and he had questions he wanted answers to...but he also saw the bigger picture. Now it's our turn to look past our "little, tiny crosses" and look to The Cross.


Jordan said...

good song!!

Anonymous said...

That song makes me cry...

Anonymous said...

seeing the words to this song was good and all, but I appreciated it much more once I actually checked it out and gave it a listen...

truly a good one!

TaylorW said...

this song makes me want to go out an buy Kleenex's for all the girls that cry to it.

nevertheless, sarcasm aside - it is solid.

keep postin'!

TaylorW said...

i can't believe I spelled it wrong.

(did you catch the mistake ?)

Chelsea said...

taylor- no i didn't. And this song is way solid.!

(was the mistake AN.)

Anonymous said...

people who cry are wusses